Saturday, January 16, 2010

337 More Days...

Dear Superman,

I missed you last night. I missed you as our day wound down and our children headed off to bed. I missed you as our little girl climbed into bed with me with all her stuffed animals.

Saturday morning without you was weird, too. We're used to you being gone during the day, but weekends are family time. Saturday morning without you was so strange. The kids and I didn't quite know how to act. As the day progressed, we never really quite got into the rhythm of things. We had some errands to run, but we didn't really do them.

Joy came over with the kids and Valiant and Buttercup were happy to be distracted. We decided to call it Game Night, even though it was just the 9 of us. With you gone, Mr. M gone, and Mr. N needing to study, we can't see how Game Night will go forward. Now even Mr. R is leaving next week. Maybe we'll be on hiatus for another 337 days.

I was happy to Skype with you. It made me feel more normal, right up until we had to say good-bye. A quick trip to Jack to buy all the kids dinner and we came back for the evening. The girls played Rock Band, the boys watched a movie, and Joy and I chatted. 10 o'clock and we were done and it was bedtime again and we missed you, again.



1 comment:

Clark said...

I miss you all so very much! I am finding it hard to bounce between being excited about the opportunities ahead of us and dealing with the sadness of missing you. Focusing on the future does not seem to help very much with the here and now. Except for the time I leave Georgia and arrive in Kuwait, I should be able to assist you guys in resolving most issues. It will take some getting use to, but we can do anything we set our sites on.

Love you!
